Welcome back to school, and welcome to Mr Woollcombe's Grade 6/7 class. I really hope everyone had a great break and Community Week. When I got my class list on Friday I was, to say the least, a pretty happy camper.
I'm Bryce Woollcombe. I've taught (in chronological order) in Kelowna, Williams Lake, Oliver, Osoyoos, Pender Island, Mayne Island, and here. I started out as a highschool band and choir teacher in 1996, but I've also taught everything from Kindergarten to Physics 11 to Adult Ed. Along the way it turned out that a few things really held my imagination:
- Learning and teaching technology, for both students and teachers
- Design, creativity, and problem solving
- Methods for collaboration
- Stagecraft and performing arts
Come to think of it, I get excited about learning anything, from grammar to long division.
Email me at
I'll really try to use this blog as the repository for parent communication. Subscribing by email means you'll get everything. I'll also email the most important stuff, but not blog posts that are just for background or general interest.
I'll print things off for those who need, but we should try to get away from that if possible.
For students, we use Google Classroom as a way to hold assignments, announcements, and reference stuff. It's a great tool that can really help us stay organised.
Trying to get me on the phone is no fun. Email is much better, and there's a system: I answer students first, parents second, and my boss third. If it's an emergency, we're really close to the office and they will pop over.
Your child will have a different teacher for several classes, and they might have specific supply requests. For general use we'll need:
- Gym strip
- Binder with paper
- Pens and pencils
- Coloured pencils
- Geometry set (for later in the year)
I love technology, and I love finding the best ways to use it for learning, self expression, and positive social change. Students are allowed to bring personal digital devices to my class if they commit to using them responsibly and following directions.
If a device comes to class, it must be able to run GSuite. A chromebook is great. Other devices must have memory available to load the apps, otherwise they may as well be bricks.
We have a class set of laptops that I turned into Chromebooks. Many are somewhat usable, but for kids that need extra help with text-to-speech, scheduling, or other special tools, having their own device it a real plus.
More to come!