April 30 Assignment

April 30 Assignment - Woollcombe Class

The Theme Is MORE FOOOOOD!!!!

Tasks Checklist:
  • Do schedule (or negotiate w/ parents)
  • Meeting at 10 - Just for fun and questions. 
  • PE
  • Word of the Week
  • Foodsafe Basics
  • Dang villagers!!
  • Kahoot!
  • Book Check In - Read
  • Learning Cafe

  1. Now to work!!

Thursday April 30 2020
Before 9



Remember, these are different links every day!









After 7

  1. PE - Get Some ACTION GOING!!
  • Poi - socks and dried beans
  • Hoop - hose, pipe, conduit, and LOTS of duck tape!
  • Juggling balls - balloons and rice, water balloons if you’re brave!!
  • Bo or Staff
  • Get crafty!!
  • Or go for a walk
  • Or do your own thing
This is what I did (just in words is fine)

  1. Word of the Week: This one is a science word: 
It’s something (bacteria, virus, parasite, toxin, slow internet*) that makes people sick.

Quick Google Search Question: What are 3 common food pathogens
(that you don’t have ‘cause you’re not sick!!).
*that was a joke

  1. Foodsafe Basics
Here are the basics of Foodsafe
  • Your family does it “right”. There are many ways to do it right in the home.
  • Foodsafe is pretending that you work at a restaurant.
  • Foodsafe covers most foods.
  • It leaves out fermentation, nictilization, and seviche. Those can be perfectly safe
  • Thinking Foodsafely will keep you from ever making your family sick.
  • You need to pass foodsafe to work in any commercial kitchen, 
including the GISS Caf.

Fair enough?

Now watch this video that introduces the basics:

We’ll go over some of the Kahoot! Questions in our meeting. Cool? 

  1. Oh, those lying villagers!!

Asking Directions

You’re a logician who wants to know which of two roads leads to a village.
Standing nearby, inevitably, are three villagers: one always lies, one always tells the truth,
and one answers randomly.
You don’t know which is which, and you can ask only two yes-or-no questions,
each directed to a single villager. How can you get the information you need?

Your job is not to solve this. Your job is to talk it out with someone!
Then your job is to try to understand the answer, which is hidden at the bottom.
If you manage to solve it, great. I couldn’t, but I got close!

  1. Can you get more than 5/10? 

  1. Book check in! READ

8. Learning Cafe Menu:
Take your Pick!
-Spellquiz - Most of you are on! As soon as we get everybody, we’ll have more fun with it.
-Prodigy - Do at least 15 questions unless you’re doing Mrs Suderman’s math!
-Code.org or Makecode Arcade
-Put cool stuff on your Google Site

Ask villager A, “Is B more likely than C to tell the truth?” Then go to the villager he indicates is less trustworthy and ask, “If I were to ask you whether this road goes to the village, would you say yes?”

This procedure ensures that you won’t put the second question to the random answerer. Once that’s sure, then you’re just facing the classic version of the puzzle, with one liar, one truth-teller, and one yes-no question.

April 29 Assignment

April 29 Assignment - Woollcombe Class

The Theme Is still FOOOOOD!!!!

Tasks Checklist:
  • Do schedule (or negotiate w/ parents)
  • Meeting at 10 - Just for fun and questions. 
  • PE
  • Word of the Week
  • Heat Transfer
  • Family can be Evil
  • Art with Mrs Allan
  • Kahoot!
  • Book Check In - Ask and Author
  • Learning Cafe

  1. Now to work!!

Wednesday April 29 2020
Before 9



Remember, these are different links every day!









After 7

  1. PE with Tiff!
First, you need something resembling a hula hoop.
 I’m heading out to the shop soon to see what I can find. 
How about an old piece of hose and some duck tape? 
Anything kinda flexible you can make into a hoop? It doesn’t have to be huge -
 about 60-70 cm diameter is fine for a lot of this stuff 
(and they’re more fun to throw when they’re smaller. 
Give it a try! Problem solve! Get creative!!
Or…. do the Mr Langdon workout again. It’s pretty good!

This is what I did (just in words is fine)

  1. Word of the Week: This one is a science word: 
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Here’s somebody’s class project on it. It is one of the dumbest most awesome things I’ve seen:

Other than yoghurt, what are some things that use Lactobacillus acidophilus?

  1. Drop it like it’s HOT!!
First, this Mr Parr dude must be totally wild. Also, I love the internet!!! 
Watch this:
Seriously, I’m sending him an email to say he’s super awesome.

But this is about FOOOOD!!! We cook food using all 3 types of heat transfer.

Way of Cooking
Type of Heat Transfer (can be more than 1)

Frying Pan




Roasting Marshmallows

Pasta swirling around in boiling water

Slow Cooker


  1. Only half-evil!
First, make a chart, however you like.

Huge hint:  Kerry gives 2 pieces of information!
What day is it, why??

  1. Art: From Mrs Allan. She put a lot of work into these directions, so read them carefully! Use the screen-reader if you like.

Spring 2020
Activity #!-  Outdoor LAND ART

Create an unique piece of artwork outdoors
with materials you have gathered in
nature. Consider including a focal point
and developing a pattern.

Google images of “Andy Goldsworthy”  for examples of his art pieces.
Step 2
Go outdoors and gather pieces of nature for your assemblage. Arrange the items to create a
with nature as the background or ‘canvas’. 
Use some of the Elements and
Principles of Design
listed below in the development of your artwork:

Elements of Design

Line- types of line include: wavy, horizontal, diagonal, vertical, thick, thin, dotted
Colour- three properties: hue( name of color), value( tints and shades), brightness
Shape- two dimensional, eg. oval, circle, square, rectangle
Form- three dimensional, eg. sphere, cube, cylinder
Space- the area around, within or between images, positive and negative space
Texture- the feel of a surface, eg. rough, smooth, furry
Value- lightness or darkness of a colour
Principles of Design
Emphasis- focal point, area that draws attention
Repetition- repeat an element(s) in the design to create a pattern
Proportion- the relationship of parts to one another in terms of size, number
Harmony/Unity- the arrangement of the elements to give a feeling of a coherent whole
Movement/Rhythm- the way the elements are arranged to lead the eye in a direction
Balance- elements of design may be arranged symmetrically
Contrast- the arrangement of opposite elements to create interest or variety
Step 3
Take a Photo of your art piece.

i) It might be fun to ask your family members to participate with you OR
they can create their own, create a family series.

Post in Stream if you want, or post here:

What’s the answer to #9?

  1. Book check in! READ

9. Learning Cafe Menu:
Take your Pick!
-Spellquiz - Most of you are on! As soon as we get everybody, we’ll have more fun with it.
-Prodigy - Do at least 15 questions unless you’re doing Mrs Suderman’s math!
-Code.org or Makecode Arcade

-Put cool stuff on your Google Site

The Home Stretch

  Wow- this has gone really fast and kinda slow at the same time. To paraphrase a friend of mine, "Time is sorta sticky this year!...