Snow Day Update

Ok, this is a corgi, not a Jack Russel like mine. The effect is the same.
And I bet this dog dries off on its owner's pillow, just like mine. Silly dog.

Snow Day!
So, after the kids get thoroughly soggy outside, dry off and hang up their own stuff (riiiiight), and try out the new board games, some screen time may occur. I previously posted some great resources for learning, but here's a smattering of other lovely media for kids and adults, while the power stays on:

Books for Geeks:
John Clarke's Ignition! is a history of rockets, written by a guy whose job it was to make them go better, faster, and explode less. It is very funny if you're bent just right. It's out of print and difficult to find, so here you go!

Gergel's Excuse Me, Sir, Would You Like To Buy A Kilo Of Isopropyl Bromide? is masterful storytelling featuring fires, explosions, poisoning, and waterproof diapers. It is mostly true, and also very funny.

Albums you may have forgotten (to play all the way through; sorry, no links):
Paul Simon, Graceland
Nirvana MTV Unplugged
(for that matter, REM and Eric Clapton unplugged, too)
Flook! Flatfish 

If your student mentions they have to research Iran, I recommend staying away from the news. It's a general profile with an option to dive deeper into history (Xerxes, Darius, Alexander, etc.), and the only currentish stuff is a timeline (5-6 points) of major international events concerning Iran from the 2015 treaty to the current situation. I've directed them to Simple English Wikipedia and the CIA World Factbook, which is surprisingly apolitical. The checklist for the assignment is on Google Classroom.

Anyway, time for the driveway! Yay!

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The Home Stretch

  Wow- this has gone really fast and kinda slow at the same time. To paraphrase a friend of mine, "Time is sorta sticky this year!...