You can do this. We can do this.

"Dad, I'm booooooooored!"
"Hi, Bored. I'm Dad."
"[retching noises]"

Yep. I get it. You may have cancelled plans to see Aunt Delores (Yay!), or go to Disneyland (NOOOOO!). You may not get to play Irish music at a party on St Paddy's day (that's me) or you may have cancelled camp. Or cancelled getting a kid to see their other parent.

Some of this stuff hurts, and it's OK to say that. It's OK to be a little scared, a little sad, and a little traumatized. That's what trauma is: getting hit with stuff you can't change, and can't fix. You roll with it, improvise, and talk about it. You got this.

Remember, our grandparents and great-grandparents were asked by our country to fight desperate wars. They did, then came back to really build Canada. A whole country emerged. We are being asked to stay close to home, play a lot of cribbage, and not buy all the toilet paper. We got this.

Not that Canadians in general aren't good at hanging out by the fire with a good book, but we really got this: GenX were the latch-key kids. We invented digital culture. Let's leverage that!

Please stay tuned. I know your kids pretty well, and I think I can give y'all some things that bridge the gap between media and the world.

Here's a teaser: The Cornell Lab Of Ornithology. These folks do birding like Itzhak Perlman does violin. They are all about learning and living in a loud, awesome, colorful world. And they have an app.

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The Home Stretch

  Wow- this has gone really fast and kinda slow at the same time. To paraphrase a friend of mine, "Time is sorta sticky this year!...