April 14 Assignment Woollcombe

April 14 Assignment - Woollcombe Class

Tasks Checklist:
  • Do schedule (or negotiate w/ parents)
  • Meeting at 10 - Just for fun and questions. Wear a hat!
  • Random Numbers Challenge
  • Birding - Conservancy Week!
  • Book Check In
  • Photography or Drawing
  • Learning Cafe

  1. Now to work!!
Remember our meeting at 10AM if we can make it work.
Press the link at 9:55-10:00 and we’ll see what happens! Here’s a schedule for today.
If your parents are fine with you not doing a schedule every day, that’s fine with me. 

Thursday April 14 2020
Before 9


Remember, these are different links every day!









After 7
Birds are most active in the early morning and late evening - Sunup and Sundown.

Random Numbers!! Ok, this is a weird one, so read closely. We need some random numbers!
But what if we don’t have dice? Or a spinner? Or anything else that easily chooses randomly?
Your job is to think of 3 ways to get random numbers with what you have on hand,
and tell us the range of numbers you could get. Bonus points for involving pets (in gentle and kind ways).

Is it really random?
Flip a coin 10 times and
add up all the heads:
It’s OK, but I keep ending up
with 4, 5, or 6

It’s Saltspring Conservancy Week! They’re pretty bummed that we’re not coming, but they have some cool stuff for us.
Your Mission: Find birds! You’ll need 2 resources:
Their Master Bird List for Saltspring (I had no idea there were so many!!!)
And some tools for identifying. There’s even apps for that!!!!
Really, all you need to do is sit on the deck with a cup of tea and watch and listen.
See if you can get 10! It’s the original Pokemon game,
but folks have been doing it for hundreds of years. Gotta [not] Catch Them All!

Bird (suggested - you can change them)
Saw? Heard? Picture?
Anna’s Hummingbird

Bewick’s Wren

Canada Goose

Chestnut-Backed Chickadee

Great Blue Heron

Mourning Dove

Pine Siskin

  1. Photography or Drawing!!
The word is FLIGHT. Show it however you like. 

  1. Book check in!
You can:
  1. Describe another character in good detail - How are they like or unlike you? or...
  2. What’s the big idea? What’s the book really about? Is it about survival? Resilience? True love even when everything is trying to get in the way? What makes you think that?

Book: __________

6. Learning Cafe Menu:
Do 20 minutes on one of:

-Adding to your Site

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