April 15 Assignment - Woollcombe Class
- Now to work!!
Remember our meeting at 10AM if we can make it work. Press the link at 9:55-10:00 and we’ll see what happens! Here’s a schedule for today. If your parents are fine with you not doing a schedule every day, that’s fine with me.
- Project Togo (yes this is math - just different)
This is a real-life problem with real life-skills involved. It’s real, but treat it as a puzzle.
[Togo was a sled-dog who delivered help to people in Nome, Alaska during a diptheria outbreak. The movie is pretty good. Balto was another heroic sled dog on that run.]
Now I need to make a delivery run with medical supplies. The first bunch of face shields are ready, and I need to deliver to the islands. The dog won’t do it. He’s kinda lazy.
I need to use the ferries to get to:
- Swartz Bay Victoria (drop off for Piers Island)
- Galiano
- Mayne
- Saturna
- Saltspring (pick up supplies)
- Home to Pender
How can I do it? You need:
- Departure means where you leave from.
- Order doesn’t matter, but I need to get home to Pender (no overnights)
- You pick the day of the week
- It might take 2 days… but I hope not.
- By the end of this you’ll really know how to read a ferry schedule
- This is important ‘cause we live on ISLANDS!!
- If I need to change boats, that takes at least 20 minutes
- I may not use your exact schedule, but it will help
- Yes, you can work with a friend.
- Yes, this can be frustrating. But getting good with schedules will save you from getting stranded, which happened to my older children several times. It sucks.
- Photography or Drawing!!
The word is REFLECTIONS. Show it however you like.
- Science: Birds, Ecosystems and Restoration
Watch this video: http://www.goert.ca/activities/bluebirds/
Or here (just on Youtube): https://youtu.be/JdSZiH62gBY
That’s all! We’ll do more tomorrow.
- Book check in!
You can:
Make an alternate ending to the LAST book you finished. Jot down some ideas!
6. Learning Cafe Menu:
Do 20 minutes on one of:
-Adding to your Site
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