May 12 Assignment - Woollcombe Class
Now to work!!
PE - Photography Hybrid!!
This may take some running around, so we can call it PE.
Read this:
Remember depth of field? With enough light, you can get things that are near and far both in focus. This is an important trick!!! Macey, Tucker, and Georgia: Please ask your professional-photographer-parent to explain this better than I can. Angle is also important (maybe get really low!)
Here’s a media example from a few years ago:
Word of the Day:
When you make food, cutting things to the right size affects
How it looks
How it cooks (safety!)
How it cools (safety!)
Good recipes use real cutting terms. Look at the article and fill in the chart.
Foodsafe Kitchen Hazards part Quatre
Harry Potter And The Plot Busters!
This is a biggie. Here’s my thought:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was written 1990-1995.
This is an early 1990s cell phone:
They sucked so much even the wizards used letters, owls, and chimneys instead.
But what if??? If real modern cell phones, text, instagram, existed in the Potterverse, how would it change things?
Would there still be a story? Would it be ruined?
Advanced ideas: Hermione’s Instagram feed, what would wizard Minecraft be like, create a post from Snape’s/McGonagle’s class blog, hexing people through Discord???? Technology in Potterverse - get creative!
6. Learning Cafe Menu:
-Please do 20 minutes of Khan unless you’re doing Mrs. Suderman’s math
(because there’s no other math today). or Makecode Arcade
-Put cool stuff on your Google Site
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