May 7 Assignment

Howdy, parents. This is a totally non-crucial email. The assignment is below all the rambly stuff.

First off, you did it. Another week down without going completely bonkers or accidentally letting the toddler start the chain saw. I'm seeing a significant lack of zombies, locusts, or those flying-monkey-demons from Wizard of Oz (I hate those things).
Those of you who planted gardens weeks ago are beginning to see the weeds of you labours, and the soil temperature is perfect for starting now or starting over. If that's a metaphor, please don't take it too far lest we end up with a recreation of Goodbye Earl.

On to school-y stuff:

You may be wondering why I'm teaching Harry Potter in Grade 6/7. It's young. It's redundant. They've read the books or seen the movies. It's a rehashing of the hero's journey and Gilgamesh did it better. There's lots of reasons not to.

I am teaching it because of cultural commons. Stories help us think, imagine, and create. They provide infinite space for growing brains to expand into, regardless of the size of your house and yard. They let us stretch our mind's legs and dig through our emotional junk-drawer, helping us find those lost pieces of memory or the charger for our empathy. These are fabulously valuable things.

Stories also help us connect, form a community, and create culture, but only if we share them universally. In many places that used to be the Bible, then it became Absolutely Mandatory Grade Level Books, all of which are problematic. One would think all the kids know some stories in common, but that assumption always leaves many out. I hate leaving kids out.

So, we read together while we're apart, and we'll have at least one story in common that lets us talk about some big ideas.
And it's a fun book.

Have a great weekend!

May 7 Assignment - Woollcombe Class

Tasks Checklist:
  • Do schedule (or negotiate w/ parents)
  • Meeting at 10 - Just for fun and questions. 
  • PE
  • Word of the Week
  • Foodsafe Safety Review
  • Shape Insanity
  • The Boy Who Lived
  • Learning Cafe

  1. Now to work!!

Thursday May 7, 2020
Before 9



Remember, these are different links every day!









After 7

  1. PE - Get Some ACTION GOING!!
  • Poi - socks and dried beans
  • Hoop - hose, pipe, conduit, and LOTS of duck tape!
  • Juggling balls - balloons and rice, water balloons if you’re brave!!
  • Bo or Staff
  • Get crafty!!
  • Or go for a walk
  • Or do your own thing
  • Or do the Mr Langdon Core Workout
This is what I did (just in words is fine): REQUIRED

  1. Word of the Week: This one is a safety phrase!: 
Preventable Incident
We used to call these ‘accidents’, but it turns out that we can prevent most of them!!
Here’s Preventable Incidents in the kitchen. See if you can match them to the example, and propose a way to prevent them!


Kevin mopped the floor but left it wet.
 Julie slipped, fell, and hurt her head.

Burns and Scalds
Bob got a big burn on his arm from 
the top edge of the oven

Mike spilled oven cleaner on his 
pants at noon, and by dinner he 
has a really gross rash.
People should learn 
the dangers of each 
chemical and what to do
 if they spill.

Chef Gordon totally lost it 
and smacked Dishwasher Billy 
with a big pot. 

Chef Gordon made Jenny haul a 
40kg potato sack out of the 
storage room by herself, and 
now Jenny’s back hurts.

Felix’s beautiful long hair got caught
 in the mixer. Felix is very sad. 
It was painful, disgusting, and he 
had to throw out the soup.

  1. Foodsafe Kitchen Hazards part Deux
Now watch this video that reviews the basics. It’s not fancy, but I love his accent!

Big hint: Start with clue #5
You may want to do this on baber and include a photo.
Put your work, thoughts, or questions here:

  1. The Boy Who Lived
First, reread Ch 1 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

For 5 House Points:






8. Learning Cafe Menu:
-Please do 20 minutes of Khan unless you’re doing Mrs. Suderman’s math or Makecode Arcade
-Put cool stuff on your Google Site

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